Strategic Renewal

​​​​Please select from the links below to review the St Anthony's Strategic Renewal documentation:JPEG3.jpg


About Strategic Renewal

The Strategic Renewal Framework states that a Whole School Curriculum Program is a translation of current Queensland Study Authority (QSA) syllabuses, guidelines and courses through the lens of the Brisbane Catholic Education Learning Framework to meet the learning needs of students within a specific community. A school’s curriculum documentation provides a formal statement of its curriculum priorities and development plans. In this way, teachers, parents and students have a common understanding of these priorities and plans enabling regular curriculum review and renewal.

The BCE Strategic Renewal Cycle incorporates those school and diocesan processes through which the mission of Catholic education within a local school community is sustained and enhanced; in so doing schools improve their capacity to provide high quality, inclusive Catholic education, state accreditation and diocesan requirements are met and individual performance management is addressed. This cycle of renewal is a journey rather than a response to a blueprint; schools will need to continually adapt while staying true to their purpose and core values.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Anthony's Catholic Primary School (2023)​​