Enrolment Information

​​St Anthony's is a co-educational catholic school offering placements from Prep to Year Six. 

We have a current enrolment of approx 480 students.

All applications will be considered by the School Leadership Team.

Late applications or applications for enrolment to commence during the year are always considered with due regard to the eligibility priority criteria. Offers for enrolment for such applications are contingent upon the availability of places in particular year levels.

St Anthony's Kindergarten Alex Hills St Anthony's Kindergarten.JPG

The St Anthony’s Kindergarten has two groups of 22 students. To contact the Kindergarten please click on the link below:

St Anthony's Kindergarten


Director/Teacher of the Kindergarten is Paul Carrick Ph: 3824 5061 / 0488 665 023.or email alexandrahillskindy@catholicearlyedcare.qld.edu.au

​​​© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School (2023)